Welcome to Snack Bag Art- because everyone needs a chuckle...

Hey YOU!! Come over HERE!! Siddown!
Now.. you gonna eat your snack! But first... you gotta check out this drawing my dad made on my snack bag....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Danger Fish and Smart Monkey Boy!

I'm contemplating the production of a semi-daily cartoon feature....
While sitting at the car dealer waiting for an oil change, I ripped off about
20+ single panel cartoons- some no more than a rough draft idea, but I'm
seeing that there is a proliferation of this creativity inside the empty parts of
my brain.....

The title that struck me for the strip was "Instant Pudding".
I would welcome any advice or comments.
I may set up a blog for my "more grown-up" cartoons....

Here are the snack bags- and it looks like, yes, I'm losing my mind....


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